Today, the lesson that I learned was that learning comes in many forms. Learning is done through repetition, remembering, applying, teaching someone else, creating, demonstrating, mastering, and showing off skills. There are so many different levels of learning, for learning itself is a layered process. Therefore, learning can be demonstrated in multiple ways.
Another lesson I took away from today was that educational theories are there to help us predict and plan. Theories of Learning give us teachers different perspectives, different lenses to look through. There is behaviorism, cognitive information processing, and constructivism. Each theory defines learning a little differently, and have their own ways of assessing learning. In behaviorism, learning is defined as a change in the probability of a behavior occurring, and assessment can come in the form of observations. Cognitive information processing defines learning as a change in knowledge stored in memory, and assessment can come in the form of creation and retrieving information on exams. Lastly, constructivism defines learning as a change in meaning, which is constructed from experience; assessment may come in the form of observations of students' reflection of their learning experience.
Christine. learning is indeed a layered process and cannot be an isolated experience. That means that you can't just expect a student to learn if they have only been experienced something once. Basically, you need practice and exposure to comprehensively learned.