Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Lesson Learned on 9/16/15

Education has started from the beginning of time, from the people who first walked the lands, even if education did not take the form of schooling as we know it today.  Music and language were also part of education since long ago, and can still be found embedded into education today.  I thought it was interesting how schools started as a place for parents to put their children, as a day care center of sorts.  I was amused by the first image of a school from a century ago, where two of the three teachers in the classroom were helping some children with their physicals.  By looking at the images, I saw how schools changed over time.  The major changes that I loved the most were the student-oriented classrooms I saw, with the student-sized tables and chairs, desks set in clusters, and different stations set up for the students.

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